Thursday, February 14, 2008

happy valentine's day :)

Daddy Tom (June 7, 1919 - February 9, 2008)

Daddy Tom passed away this past Saturday morning at home after quickly going downhill the week before. His health had been slowly declining over the last several years, but thankfully his suffering was short-lived. However, it certainly wasn't easy to see him go. As a good friend just told me, It always sounds like it should be easier to lose someone when we have some warning... Our hearts just don’t agree what with what our minds tell us.

Matthew was about a month old in this picture and I think it pretty much sums up Daddy Tom. I don't think there is any other man on earth that loved a baby more than Daddy Tom. (Although, my Dad and Father-in-law certainly run a very close second!) It was kind of Daddy Tom's trademark. He made us all a little nervous at times, but he really was always in control of the babies! His 7 great-grandchildren (with another one on the way, of course!) brought him so much joy and he was always telling me what a "fine boy" Matthew is and would ask how much longer til our next one arrives. He was also very proud of his 3 children and 7 grandchildren and in his mind he defintely never saw us enough... anytime I called, he would always say something like "when are you coming to see me?!"

I will miss him dearly... the person who taught me how to fish and ride a pony, who reinforced my parents teaching of good morals, who lived out his relationship with God, whose face lit up at the very sight of any family member walking through the door and who cherished his wife, sweet Mama Tom :)