Wednesday, May 28, 2008


We are thrilled to introduce our newest blessing, Hudson!! Delivery went really well and he has proven to be as good a baby as Matthew was and maybe even better. He is so content and just fits right into our little family perfectly. We are so thankful for his health and grateful that everything is going as well as it is. Matthew has also really taken to Hudson... always asking what he's doing and giving him lots of kisses.

So, enjoy all the pictures and be sure to click on the album to see them full-size.

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

TWO weeks...

we will be the parents of two boys in just 14 days!! as slow as the pregnancy has really been for me, i cannot believe we are already approaching the end. we really cannot wait to meet Hudson Bruce and are dying to see what he looks like... will he look like Matthew? will he look completely different? will his hair be dark or light? not to mention, how much will he weigh?! i know most people would guess a high number, but i'm not so sure. just last night he was all over the place, so it's clear he still has a decent amount of room to wiggle in there. most of all, we thank our Lord for the healthy pregnancy so far and just ask for another healthy little boy.

Sunday, May 4, 2008

Matthew's room!

after numerous trips to home depot (for gus), we finally finished the chalkboard wall... which completes matthew's big boy room! yay!!
