Wednesday, July 23, 2008

growing up too fast...

Hudson is now 9 weeks... already :( He had his 2 month check-up last week and he is definitely eating well! Here are his stats:

weight - 12 pounds 8 ounces
height - 22 inches

So, he has grown 2 inches since birth and he's apparently storing up for winter! I looked in Matthew's baby book and he only weighed 10 lbs 2 ounces at this age :) Hudson's our little chunky monkey!! Most importantly, he checked out perfectly, so we are very thankful for that. The only "glitch" is that he has an umbilical hernia, which is why his belly button looks large in some of the pics, but it's not a threat... it should close on it's own with no problems by the time he's 2 years old.

He also started smiling around 6 weeks, so we're always on a mission to get him to smile. Now he's cooing a bit too, which is so fun to hear. He's just a happy baby all around.... eating great, sleeping great, and only getting up once to eat in the middle of the night.

So, enjoy all the pictures and be sure to double-click to see them full size.

fun with matthew :)

4th of July weekend...

We spent the first part of the holiday weekend with some of my family in Panama City and the rest of it at Mexico Beach with Gus' side... a lot of packing and unpacking, but totally worth it!