Thursday, December 25, 2008


Wishing you a blessed Christmas day...

Holiday FUN!

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Another baby boy :)

I have to congratulate my good friend, Erynn and family on the birth of their second son... Noah Harper Seidel. (you can check out their cutie-pie(s) by clicking on "The Seidels" down on the right) He was born on December 1st!! Actually, for all of you who have been secretly mad at me for not updating the blog, you have Erynn to thank. Noah is 10 days old today and so far, Erynn has made 5 posts to their blog. I realized I have no good excuses :) Congratulations Erynn & Chad!!

our little Christmas tree!

We decided to go with a smaller tree this year to fit in a small spot in our den, so we can enjoy it all the time since that's where we hang out. I think it's adorable, and I love how it looks with the ornaments all piled on. Apparently, Matthew thinks it's hilarious.

Hudson's 6 month check-up...

We were a little late on Hudson's check-up this time. His appt was Tuesday, and he will be 7 months old on the 20th. From now on, I'm making his next appts before I leave the doctor's office! Anyhoo, here are his healthy stats:

weight - 16 pounds 3 ounces
height - 25 inches

Most importantly, he checked out happy and healthy, so we are very thankful. It's amazing how with each child we are more and more aware of how precious health is.

We're BACK!!

Wow... it has been a LONG time. Too long! (i know many of you are thinking the same thing!!) So, enjoy all of the many pictures in the album covering our lives in October & November. Here's what you missed:

1. Fall fun with pumpkins.
2. Our very fun long weekend with family in the Georgia mountains.
3. Church Fall Festival.
5. Rice cereal for Hudson.
6. Matthew's singing debut at the Thanksgiving banquet at church.
7. Thanksgiving lunch. (we forgot the camera for dinner)